Altenew Doodle Bouquet Stamp Set


This Stamp has a coordinating Doodle Bouquet Die Set.

The Doodle Bouquet Stamp Set showcases a unique and stylish floral arrangement of whimsical daisies. The designer’s use of simple shapes with intricate line details makes the images pop! The six motivational sentiments, along with the two additional flower images are perfect to fill in extra spaces, or to stamp and cut to place over the main flower arrangement. This will add depth to your project!Also 

2 in stock



The Doodle Bouquet Stamp Set showcases a unique and stylish floral arrangement of whimsical daisies. The designer’s use of simple shapes with intricate line details makes the images pop! The six motivational sentiments, along with the two additional flower images are perfect to fill in extra spaces, or to stamp and cut to place over the main flower arrangement. This will add depth to your project

Coordinating Doodle Bouquet Die Set

Designer’s Tips: If you don’t want to spend time coloring a stamp set, smoosh some watercolor onto a non-stick work surface and place your card base over your watercolor mix. Let it dry and repeat as needed to build a quick yet stunning watercolor background. Once you are happy with the result, stamp the outline flower design in embossing ink and heat embossed in white (or any other color that goes well with your background).This is a 6″ x 8″ clear stamp set containing 11 stamps made in the USA from high-quality photopolymer.

Sentiments: This set includes six motivational sentiments: you are you have you do ENOUGH ▪ you are a WONDERFUL human being ▪ you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to ▪ YOU GOT THIS ▪ you are absolutely AMAZING ▪ NEVER FORGET IT